Monthly Archives for October 2023
Short Read: On Negative Self-Beliefs
Picture this: you’re standing on a rickety old bridge, suspended high above a rushing river. The wind is whipping through.
Cognitive Biases
Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts that lead to systematic errors in thinking. While often helpful in quickly processing information, these biases can also result in poor judgment and irrational decisions. The article explores common biases like the availability heuristic, confirmation bias, and actor-observer bias. It also discusses theories on mental shortcuts, their role in self-serving thinking, and the implications for judgment and decision-making. Recognizing our cognitive limitations is the first step toward more rational thought.
Discovering Your Core Values
Knowing your core values provides an inner compass to navigate life’s complexities. When we have clarity about our values, we can make decisions aligned with our authentic selves. This leads to greater fulfillment, purpose, and integrity.
Understanding our core values enables discernment amidst difficult choices. Weighing options against our values allows us to move ahead decisively.
Discovering your values requires self-reflection. Defining your guiding principles creates a life of meaning and alignment with your highest potential.